› Wills & Estates

We assist individuals and their families in creating and implementing plans for the transfer of their estates upon death.  Our team can assist you with making your end of life wishes known and enforceable.

› Civil Litigation

Our lawyers represent clients in both the Provincial Court and the Court of Queen's Bench in relation to litigation matters.  When appropriate, we use alternative dispute resolution to resolve matters.

› Mediation

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the mediator assists the clients in reaching a resolution between the parties. The mediator does not judge who is right but help guide the process to conclusion.

 Protection and Restraining Orders

Relationships can be complex and sometimes assistance is needed from the court to ensure everyone's safety and keep the peace.

Business Law

From incorporation to dissolution, our team has the skills and experience necessary to help you manage your corporate affairs.  We provide guidance to business owners and shareholders to assist them in making smart decisions.


› Criminal Defence

Our experienced team assists individuals and corporations charged with all manner of criminal and quasi-criminal offences.  We are dedicated to providing sounds advice and diligent courtroom advocacy that serves  the needs of  our clients.


›Family Law

Family breakdown is emotionally difficult and trying.  Our team can assist you with navigating the family law process in the manner and setting that makes the most sense for you and you particular situation.


›Real Estate & Conveyancing

Our team can help you with the purchase or sale of real property, refinancing, altering the restriction of land use,  subdivision, condominium organization and conversion and farmland and environmental protections.  


Practice Areas